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An industry that touches all walks of life, has the privilege of performing up to a standard of excellence. BM LLC "Bret and Micaela" believes their standard of excellence and professionalism, comes from their quality of building materials, and personalized customer service.
BM LLC was built by a strong and inspired woman,
Micaela Andersen, who values community growth, family, and the ability to build a company that influences awareness and change. She couldn't do it alone. She has an exceptional team which holds quality and customer satisfaction as a priority.
She accredits her success to her husband, Bret Andersen, a farm boy, who grew up understanding the true meaning of hard work, loyalty, and the dependability of a person's word.
BM LLC believes in bringing back the old school approach to life and business. It's not about BM LLC making someone a number; rather their focus is on reminding their customers they are why
BM LLC is in business.